Ungruding side chicks

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💀Ungrudging side Chick🐥: Someone that messes with a taken man who KNOWS she’s the side chick.

So, I’m kinda surprised at the ungrudging side chick’s these day. I believe they have multiplied like bunny’s! But my question is why? Why purposely break up a relationship? Sure, it’s just as much his fault as it is theirs. BUT you should think like this. What if you was his main girl and he was doing that to you? Yea, don’t feel too good does it? Maybe use the excuse that if you don’t mess with him he will just find someone else? Yup, you are right! And then this rant would be for that girl. If ALL these girl would stop messing with taken men then less cheating would happen. Less drama would get started. Why are you wasting your time with a taken man? Do you not want a real relationship with a REAL man? You really just going to take a back seat to another woman like that? You will never get all his time. You will be around when it’s convenient for him. Are you that desperate for attention? Guess what?! There’s a lot of GOOD men out there that’s dying to be with you!! How do you not feel guilty while you are with him? Knowing there’s another girl somewhere waiting for his phone call. You have to be a SELFISH person! It is time to grow up and be a real woman who ain’t playing games! Do you think this man respects you? HA! NO! You mean nothing to him! Ok. Ok. That’s enough for the ungrudging side chick’s…

But wait! I’m not done just yet!!

🐶Guys with side chicks🐍: Wtf is your problem? Are you that desperate for attention that you want to risk your relationship? Is your girlfriend not good enough for you anymore? Why do you not just break up with her?! If you want freedom to be with the other girl then don’t drag your girlfriend down this miserable hallway! Just end the relationship and move on! How would you feel if the tables was turned? Imagine every time you are with your side chick that she’s also with another man. Oh you’re not answering her text or phone calls? What happens next? She gets depressed and lonely. Wanna know what happens next? You have given another man a chance to make her feel wanted! Don’t think it’s that easy huh? By gosh have you been on facebook?! There is thirsty men and woman EVERYWHERE!!! You say you love your girlfriend but you look for adventure? You need something exciting? By gosh go play with the Lions in the zoo!! Cause it’s all fun and games until the girlfriend finds out and then she’s ripping you another booty hole! If you truly love someone cheating is NEVER an option! When you love someone you never want them hurt in any way! It’s your mission to protect their happiness. Love is never switched off when you need it to be. How can you “love” a woman and lay down with another one? Do YOU not feel guilty either? Do YOU HAVE low self-esteem issues? Don’t you want better? Don’t you WANT to be faithful? Cheating is harder on you than it is anyone! Make sure u hide your phone. Make sure the side chick’s know not to text while your with her! Lord forbid if the side chick catches feelings! Is this fun for you? If it is please tell me your 16 and not a GROWN ASS MAN?! Stop chasing these little girls and find you a woman that makes your life better and SETTLE DOWN with her! Be faithful and then every night you can be proud of yourself! Be proud to be an honest man!

Phew! Ok. That’s over. Glad I got that out of my system!

👏I would also like to say thank you to LiersCheatersRus.com for motivation behind this rant! My gosh them folks are crazy!!:o


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