My name is Anxiety



My name is Anxiety.

Can you feel when im in your presence? Can you look into someone’s eyes and see me causing havoc?

Look closely, do you see my human trying to hide their trembling hands? Do you see them breath in through their nose and slowly exhale out their mouth. Can you spot the fear in their eyes? That’s me, tearing their mind apart.

Notice how it takes them longer to reply to serious messages? That’s me, I am making them question how they reply. I will make them reword sentences over and over so they dont say something the wrong way.

They didn’t answer that phone call because they didn’t know the number or they was afraid of what to say. That makes me happy.

My human thought they heard someone pull in the driveway 20 times today. They keep looking out the tightly shut curtain. Today i refuse to let them be comfortable in their own home.

They want to make plans this weekend. Let me give them images of everything that could go wrong. I need them to cowardly stay in bed hiding from the world.

I wont let them sleep tonight. If they trick me into peaceful sleep, i will make their heart race, give them horrible nightmares and eventually i win when they wake up covered in sweat afraid for their life.

You see, im always in there. I control them. Some days they might be stronger than me but they aren’t mentally strong enough to fight me very long. They will crave to be alone with me.



Do you know someone with anxiety? If you don’t then that s probably because they haven’t told you. Someone that couldn’t understand what anxiety is like can make it worse. They can judge, make jokes and downplay the fight we struggle. Anxiety is real, painful, and exhausting. There is hope, we need understanding and support. We need to have the confidence to fight. Every day!




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