Must ask dating questions for 2016



Dating in 2016 can be tricky! It seems these days folks are plum crazy. Here are a list of questions to ask before blindly jump into a relationship.



– How long has it been since your last relationship?
(If you are about to be a rebound, you need to have some basketball shoes ready.)

– Have you ever been incarcerated?
(Everyone has a past BUT somethings are not forgivable. For example: dating a murderer might not be a good idea)


– How much do you enjoy fire?
(Everyone likes a campfire, not everyone fantasies include burning living creatures)

– At what age was you took off the bottle?
(This is important. This will let you know exactly how spoiled as a child they was. If it’s past 3 years old, get ready to hold their hand crossing the street.)


– What is your greatest joy in life?
(If they say something like “watching the sunset” or “staring in your eyes”, they just want the booty. If they say something like “Watching drowning kittens” just RUNNNN! )

– What is your top 2 song’s you can’t get enough of?
(Oh no! You absolutely hate both of them! OK buddy, you have 2 choices. 1. You lock yourself into a room, alone, with the song on repeat for hours, extremely loud until every single word is drilled in your memory. This will allow you to suffer alone instead of in front of the other person. 2. RUNNNNN!)

– If you could have someone locked in a room so that you could torment them for a day, how would you torment them?
(TRICK QUESTION! If they say anything other than tickling them for hours, RUNNN)


– Where were you 3 hours ago? Do you think someone was stalking you?
(You are observing, not stalking.)

– How many times have you been dumped vs how many times you broke it off?
(If either is extremely high numbers, you might have a problem. Could be crazy or could be unwilling to commit)



Let’s face it, none of these will actually protect you from the crazy ones. Dating is always like playing roulette with your heart. Don’t get caught up in the whirlwind of pressure from the people telling you that you’re running out of time.

It’s OK to be single! It’s even better to be happy AND single! Always keep in mind that if you’re not happy with yourself, you can’t make someone else happy. Focus on yourself, do nice things for yourself and don’t rush the future. That knight in shining armor that you desperately desire is somewhere putting on all the armor for you. It takes time to put all that heavy armor on.



Dating shouldn’t be like preparing for a job interview. HAVE FUN! RELAX! ENJOY IT! You will meet a ton of Mr/Mrs. Wrong before you meet Mr/Mrs. Right.


1 Comment

  1. Very important to ask questions. I could think of at least five more questions. Definitely don’t be ashamed to ask what you want and need to know!


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