Back to school priorities! (IMPORTANT TALK)

Summer is almost over. That means the “back to school” craziness is among us! Us parents have so much to stress about during this time! We get so caught up in US being prepared but we forget to get the kids mentally prepared. Here, I’m going to tell you the absolute most important talk you should have with your kids before their first day.

To prepare for this talk I want you to sit down alone and take a little while looking back on memories from your childhood school days. Focus on the ‘not so pleasant’ memories. Focus on the way children interacted. Think about the bullying. Think about how some children said hurtful things. Think about embarrassing moments. Now, your gunna hurt your heart and that’s EXACTLY what you need to be feeling when you have this conversation with your kids.

Every child has to be taught/spoken to the way they can individually soak in the information, so me telling you word for word how to do this conversation is impossible. I’m going to give you key points that you MUST teach them. You MUST make sure they understand! You MUST always welcome their questions!

I want you to pay close attention to the things your saying while you’re having listening ears. This list is for the parents that’s unintentionally promoting and branding bullying into their children.


“Did you see Sally’s mom at Walmart buying her kids’ school clothes?!”

“I refuse to buy my kids cheap shoes. They won’t look like these kids with wore out shoes.”

“Willy’s mom’s aunt said Lucy had head lice last week. I’m going to raise hell if I send my kid to school and he comes back with lice”

“I bought Bob 20 nice outfits to start school with! He won’t have to wear the same stuff over and over like these other parents let their kids do”.

“I heard Jane was a terrible kid and stayed in trouble. All I can say is she better stay away from my kid”.

Our children need to have compassion! Key subjects:

⚫️Help others. For example, if a kid drops his backpack and all his pencils falls out then help him pick them up. He’s embarrassed and you will make him feel so much better.

🔴Be everyone’s friend. For example, you’re allowed to have unlimited friends. Just because your friend Sue doesn’t like someone doesn’t mean you have to dislike them too.

🔵Introduce yourself to new students. They are nervous and scared. Help them by introducing yourself to them and then introduce them to your friends. Always welcome someone new.

⚫️Take a moment during play time to look around to see if there is a kid that is alone and looks sad. If you see one go sit by them and ask them to come play with you. Chances are someone was mean to them and you can completely turn their day around by simply asking them to come play.

🔴If you hear one of your friends being mean to someone, tell them they are being mean and you don’t like it. Saying hurtful things is never funny.

‼️‼️NAME BRAND CLOTHES ARE NOT IMPORTANT! Let me say that louder for the parents in the back. NAME BRAND CLOTHES ARE NOT IMPORTANT!

🔵Never judge someone by their clothes or shoes. It’s not their fault they don’t have new stuff. They would love to have new stuff, but they can’t control it.

⚫️Yes, some kids will be using the same backpack as they did 3 years ago. It’s ok!

💯This one is kinda obvious but it needs to be said. Race does not matter. They are children. They don’t see color unless you teach them.

🚨This one is sooo very important! TALK TO YOUR CHILDREN ABOUT CHILDREN WITH MEDICAL CONDITIONS! This one hits home. My sweet 6 year old Annamarie has severe eczema and allergies. She breaks out in hives and her skin rarely looks normal. She is very embarrassed about it. Many kids ask her/tell her she had red spots on her. She tries to explain her medical condition to the other kids but they don’t understand. PLEASE TEACH YOUR CHILDREN THINGS LIKE THIS IS UNCONTROLLABLE AND THEY ARE NOT CONTAGIOUS!🚨🚨

Bottom line here is elementary aged kids are sponges! They are figuring out emotions and important things about life. HELP THEM GROW THEIR HEARTS! COMPASSION! COMPASSION! COMPASSION!


  1. Important topics that need to be talked about! Kids need to learn compassion! Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. mommyjheng says:

    I love the compassion part. Sometimes parents tends to focus on academic side more than the way our kids treat others. Parenting is really a tough job. Of course, you should set a good example to your children as well. It really depends on the child. Every child is different. This is a great tips!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. alunderfullife says:

    Teaching our kids compassion is so important and it can be done in such simple ways! This is a great place to start with such an important lesson!

    Liked by 1 person

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