Dear Single Friend,


Dear single friends,

Hi there beloved friends! It’s us, your serious relationship couple friends! We would like to give you a few tips on our friendship and explain why it might be complicated for you to understand some things.

– If possible could you refrain from trash talking relationships? We completely understand about your failed previous relationships and we are happy to hear you complain as much as you want about YOUR relationships. Please, don’t down grade relationships in general. We have worked very hard to build our strong relationship and we take pride in our faithful and honesty. Yes, our dear single friend, those relationships DO in fact exist.
– We are sorry we can’t go out at random times with you. We have lovely children that require a lot of our time. No, it’s not as simple as “finding a baby sitter.” We take pride in being there for our children. No, I’m sorry, but taking a toddler on a late night supper to a nice restaurant is not going to happen. One day you will personally understand why our dear beloved single friend.


– Yes, you can come over, but of course please be considerable to a few things. Please, don’t stay late on a school night. Please, don’t use curse words in front of the children. Our pets are family to us if they was to irritate you in any way remember they live there not you. If you come to our home, we expect you to at least speak to the children. You can’t be close friends with us if you can’t be pleasant to our children. Our dear (sometimes shallow) Single friend, we love you, but don’t wear out your welcome.


– Oh the single life is so fun at such a late hour. huh? Could you try not to text or call after 9p.m. on weekdays? Adulting and parenting is hard work. We need our sleep so we can prepare to be nice to you lovely free and single people the next day. If you get angry that we missed your call or message, keep in mind that it’s not possible to put you on top of our priority list. Surely you can find SOMEONE to talk to that late at night besides us. Our lovely Single friend, maybe try a dating site for that night.


-Could you listen to us? Just a little? We will never tell you what to do, but we could probably give you some swell suggestions. Every time another relationship fails, you come to us with a horrific romantic story. Every time we give you the same advice. Do you hear us? Probably not because you are so hung up on how horrible the opposite sex is. Calm down, breath and listen sometimes. Our dear stubborn single friend, we want you to believe in love like we do.


We enjoy having you around. We enjoy remembering these days in our own life. We understand how hard it is and we want you to know that we can’t wait till the day you find that perfect partner in life. We long for you to believe in healthy relationships. We will always be here through all these terrible relationships, but could you go easy on us? We understand in your ” amazing, freedom filled” life that friends can be a top priority but that isn’t possible for us. Our healthy relationship and raising our children will ALWAYS be top priority.

We love you our AWESOME single friend and just know we are cheering you on in this crazy dating world! You never know when Mr./Mrs. Right is going to show up! (soon we hope, really, really soon)


Your serious relationship couple friends


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